This little girl is universal.
She could be any little girl, anywhere along a shoreline. Why do children build sandcastles so near the water? The water is
the catalyst which holds the sand together. Any child knows that, in simpler terms to be sure. Do they think of the risk of
the sea washing their dreams away? Maybe. Maybe not. Yet they build. The dream negates the risk.
The following pages represent my life in written
word. Becoming a widow at the age of 43 was not part of my great dream...yet age doesn't matter...
My journey out of the abyss of grief & depression
is an ongoing education in acceptance. My poetry is the result of learning to live without him, while learning to live
with HIM.
I am forever the student. I am forever the child,
rebuilding my dream, knowing the risk of having it wash away once more. For if I cannot dream, I cannot hope; & if
I don't have hope, I cannot live.
If my words help just one person along the way; give them
hope to continue the journey of life, then I have a purpose.
