Hunger (One Word
i have a hunger for life. it is searing. a hunger
for things i don't even know what they are. i'm hungry for love, for excitment, for mental stimulation.
© 1/01/2005 sqb
Eternal (Hands On Challenge)*
we walked, where the sky meets the sea. Hand in hand, always, you and me.
Caressing my body with hands sure
and warm; in your arms you held me, secure and strong.
You vowed to keep me safe always and forever. For you
I do the same, my friend and my lover.
Though you have moved on, l feel your warm embrace. That light
touch of yours, soft against my face.
Will you wait for me husband, on that far shore. Where all things come
together, and the lines blur no more.
Hand in hand always, you and I. For time eternal we will walk where the
sea meets the sky.
© 10/20/04 sqb
I Give You-Life( Hands On Challenge)
can be: boring, challenging, robotic, scary; energizing, wonderful, abusive, horrible; titillating, sexy, teasing, laughable.
can be: cheating, rewarding, struggling, happy; despicable, crime-ridden, loving, hateful.
Life can be: simple,
uncluttered, joyous, free; lazy, luxurious, sinful, painful;
Life can be: peaceful, quiet, calming,
thoughtful; shackled, tenuous, shocking..breathe..
Step outside, its raining, you see. Fresh and pure, life-sustaining
and free. Wash your hands, get rid of the grime. You get to start over, isn't it about time?
© 10/24/04 sqb
Woman/ Lover/ Caretaker/ Woman(
Dali Challenge)
Ageless and faceless, she stands at the ready. She
offers herself to you, giving glimpses of the many qualities unique to her.
Perfect recipe for life, drawn on experience. Opening
and closing at will, the compartments as they are needed.
Some drawers may never be opened, some just a
little. Kindness, intelligence, laughter, resilience. Mistakes, wisdom, anger, sadness; all there.
Make sure you look up, though, to the highest drawer.
The one she holds with exquisite care between her hands.
You'll notice that it is the largest, placed
over the heart. Wide and seemingly bottomless, the drawer of her love.
© 8/5/04 sqb
Bag of Bones ( King Challenge)*
deep in the ancient land the village members
gather and stand surrounding the one they revere and find horrifying at the same time
the light of the fire
dances upon his deeply scarred and wizened face making him seem more than he really is, but they don't know that,
and never will
it's just before the waxing of the full moon and time to pick the new sacrifice and the people
like sheep stand and stare and wait
the scarred one opens his pouch and spills the contents into the light
of the fire, human bones , worn down by time and routine, a collective gasp is heard
by rote one of the group
screams and falls to his knees as he realizes the scarred one made eye contact with him, he is the chosen one, the
he will not run nor hide it is just the order of things this sacrifice, and his body will be cleansed
and burned his spirit bringing luck to those still standing
while what is left of him will be gathered together
and only certain parts selected and purified will be added to the scarred one's sacred bag of bones
© 9/12/04 sqb
Things ( King Challenge)
all is small-town quiet, and the days mundane, evil comes-a-calling. Stranger comes in, opens a shop and settles
Seems like a good guy, his shop full of trinkets, trading cards, that one of a kind plate you've been looking
for. You know, needful things.
If you can't find the thing you want, the shop owner will be sure to find a way
to get it for you. The take it away/pay later sign is becoming very popular.
The proprietor spends his time
observing the community when he isn't busy; getting a feel for his customers and what they like. But beware, the
old cliche: be careful what you wish for.
These things you are needing seem to need you most of all. How bad
do you want it? Willing to sell your soul? Must have it, gotta have it; even the little ones beg at Mother's skirt.
a disease that spreads, contagious and silent; the evil spread by greed, is in control. The shop owner says credits
up..time to pay your dues.
This small town grows silent once more, a dying wasteland. Empty sidewalks, and where's
that store? The one that had all those neat things for sale? Never mind, there's nothing this town needs anymore.
The proprietor whistles as he walks out of town, a bag of squirming souls thrown over his shoulder. Then he
laughs out loud, cackling. With fetid breath and bloodshot eyes evil walks on down the road.
© 9/6/04 sqb
exquisite cadaver |
Salvador Dali |
Corpse( Salvador Dali Challenge)*
they say dis is me, mon. but it don't look like me, i tink. something is wrong here. oh! i dead!!
well, well. i dead. let me see, ok, there is my head and my dreadlocks look good. wha!?! two parrots at my foot dem? lawdy,
the noise through eternity!
ok, now why deh gone an put my good hand on top my head. i see, holding up my head
wrap..but my head, which is dead, is too far down. but my locks looking good!
hmm, even a little outhouse there.
ahem. the colors are excellent! everybody in deh spirit world will see me coming and me not scared. you know, i tink
i like being dead.
now, let me go see what all de commotion at the gate is. eh! another one, hehe, he don't even
know he dead yet!
© 8/20/04 sqb
fields of green seem right somehow as i lean into this rock oblivious to all around me except of course
rock over there with the figure that sticks out for all to see that he is a showoff
unlike me who leans into
this rock even harder and i know i can't be seen but blend instead with the barren fields of green
and no
one notices me because i am now growing moss and lichen as i stand so still so no one can see me...
© 8/12/04 sqb
The Cello's Demise (Dali Challenge)
They conspired in the darkness as to how to
stop the incessant nightly noise the man of the house insisted on making.
At first they thought he would tire
of it in the lounge. Then he had the audacity to bring it up into their sanctuary, the bedroom.
At least
a violin had a certain honor in the home; a definite character. But this, this mournful, low keyed wail of this,
this over-sized elephant.
It's an outrage I tell you, muttered the table to the bed. I think we should just
break it's neck, chimed the chair. The bed stood silent, brooding.
Their chance came one evening when the master
of the house had too much brandy; left the cello upon the bed, while he, the master roared snoring on the floor.
cello saw them coming but couldn't string a scream. The chair broke the neck while the table snapped the the stick
that made the noise. The bed kept watch as murder was committed on snow white sheets.
© 8/6/04 sqb