is a beautiful month overall. Even here in the islands there is a change in the air. The
ocean takes on a different look, a certain coolness lies upon the rippled surface as the sun rises, visible to us as
we drive across mountains and down hills. Little ant-like trails of cars creeping to school and work. We look
because that is our view. Ocean, sky, a smattering of little islands here and there. But do we see what it is
we are looking at? If more people did, maybe we would smile more and appreciate what the good LORD has given to us.
Look at what people from around the world pay top dollar to come and experience; some for a week, some only get a day.
Observe that the Sahara haze is gone. Observe that you can see our sister islands clearly. FEEL the change in the air.
Absorb it, taste it, claim it. YOU LIVE HERE. Yes, it belongs to you.
Have a nice day.
August 2011
Funny how it seems to be only yearly now...
I will say that this time last year I was unable to hardly move due to post surgical recovery,
much less sit here and type my thoughts.
I find it fascinating that though I visit briefly, I haven't found the time to actually
"work" this site. Is it that I'm too busy LIVING? Have I permanantly lost my muse....hmm? Whatever happened to my staunch
view on: Always find time for yourself! Hmmm.
Once again then, I will promise myself to spend more time on the one thing I find great
satisfaction in, and challenges with-writing.
I will also say this year is different somehow. This year makes 9 years, or it will in a
couple of weeks. Seems a bit harder somehow, this odd year. We never forget you know, we just deal with it differently. And
hopefully with lots of grace.
July, 2010
Well.... over a year since I've been on here. So much
has happened since last April. I've lost touch with my writing and I need to find it again, it's time, way overdue. And while
due to circumstances I shouldn't even be using two hands at the moment, I am, because the need is here.
Therapy...woman, heal thyself!
I'LL BE BACK......
February, 2009
Again, time slips away from me. Another month arrives
and I gain another year of life. I ask myself, am I living up to my potential? Have I kept the promises I made to myself?
Am I truly living, truly?
The answers are strong for some and vague
for others. I am getting there I say. Self-checks are good things...take stock of where I am, how is it coming along. I am
doing just fine. I am about to turn 50, if I make it through another week and a couple of days. Half a century. WOW.
Six years ago I didn't even want to
live. I've come a long way.
My time managing has become a bit better,
but still not able to write like I want to. My life is content, sometimes exciting, very much loving. I am thankful for those
who love me for who I am and not who they think I should be. I do think things are about to rev up a bit. I am ready for the
ride of a lifetime, already started, let's go please!
This entry is short because I'm fighting
a cold/flu/ something...but coming along.
So on that note, all for now. Be kind to
others, they may be having a terrible day and not showing it; your words may be the ones to make them smile.
Peace y'all!
©2009, sqb
January, 2009
Time to update again. I really have no idea
who, if anyone, follows my life on here.
But maybe someone does, and maybe it helps
someone else get through some trauma/drama they may be going through. Could be grief, depression, desperation...so many variables
out there that affect our lives from day to day.
Right now in my life I am experiencing an upward
turn, a very welcome and long overdue turn. It's hard for me to think of the dark days just a blink ago. I haven't forgotten
them by any means, just not the priority in my life anymore. I am too busy living right now. Life is too damn short and
I'm determined to take all I can from it and live it to the fullest. Yes, I'll make mistakes, take risks, fall on my face
I'm sure; but is it worth it? Yes!! YES!! Yes...it is, because if you don't then you are NOT living.
I have mentioned some or all of this before,
but I am truly living my life now, once more. For me that is HUGE. I deal with the everyday stress without falling apart.
I make decisions and deal with the consequences
of whichever way they turn out-without falling apart. I am still learning how to take care of me, which is a hard thing
at times, but I am getting better at it. Something everyone should do, but I know we all don't because we are too busy taking
care of others.
Take notice, take care...treat yourself as
you would others and you'll be amazed at how kind you can be.
I have been kind to myself today..very kind.
Took time for myself, indulged myself.
You see, today would have been my 22nd wedding
Some thoughts....some questions....some smiles.
Memories last a lifetime and I have plenty to see me through. I am doing just fine. And that's a wonderful place to be. My
Christmas and New Year's were truly happy for the first time in many years, and I am very grateful for that. Life happens
in a blink....please remember that, and live yours to the fullest.
You get to start each day fresh...brand new.
Isn't that a wonderful thing? That thought is what got me through many, many days. No, I haven't and never will forget the
darkness that was; I am just determined to not stay there.
November 2008
Well, time flies again. Been very busy-understatement
of the year-yeah, been very busy. Almost time for turkey and then Christmas rolling in. Have much to catch up on, then again
is it ever done?
Making time to do this. My life has taken a different
turn...a welcome turn...a happy turn. I am living it therefore hardly have the time to write about it. yet write about it
I must, for that is what I do. This may sound cryptic to you but this is how it must stay for now...until the right words
come forth.
Just a taste, mind you....**smile**
Hey there. Just a quick note to say I have joined and will be attempting my first
NaNoWriMo in November. It's a crazy attempt to write 50k words into a novel in one month. What else do I have
to do? Since I want to write a book anyway, this will be a crash course in....something, lol. It will help me with the discipline
needed to stick-with-it and learn how not to stray too much. Chocolate, I'll need
Will keep you updated with my word count when I start. Just check out the link on the front page to see what
all the hoopla is about; maybe YOU will even consider the madness!
If I even make it half way through the NaNoWriMo, I'll be proud of myself-heard it isn't that easy of a thing
to do, but we'll see. So you stay tuned now.
There are plenty of other things going on in my moving-on life right now, I keep amazing myself how well I'm
handling it. All for now. Think I'll start using my old mantra again for a while, to encourage me:
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day
that says: I'll try again tomorrow."
Very inspiring.
Last weekend in August/2008
My nemisis month is almost gone, and it really
wasn't that bad overall.
I've had my moments but no, over all it hasn't
been bad. I can say that it means I'm well on my way then. I also know that the memories can attack at any given time,
so it doesn't matter. He still matters, always will; but my acceptance of his death has come forward a hundred fold.
I write to express myself. I write for my
own pleasure, to challenge myself, indulge myself. See how far I can push the poetry envelope, learn new forms, read
amazing and astonishing pieces from others around the world. From the really really bad to the published, or those that should
I'm writing my book. I've decided to just
go ahead and do it. I was being all weird about "how do I ever end it"; meaning life is constant and everday brings new observations.
The book will end itself, when its time to do so.
There's a lot I want to say about life, family
and love. About people that enter your life at the right time, lessons learned, and yet to be learned.
I'm not doing it for others. I'm doing it
for me. But maybe, somewhere along the way, it will help someone discover something special about themselves.
Hope...it's about hope.
I feel ALIVE. And its wonderful. I would
like to share that feeling.
So on that note, I start yet another chapter
of this new life of mine.
Don't you stray too far....
It's been a little while again. Life is continuing
at it's own pace, as I am busy living it. Our family just celebrated my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, what an epic event!
Golden Anniversary...I believe this is going to be something increasingly rare with the up and coming generations. I
may be wrong, but just my thoughts.
This site of mine will be undergoing some changes
soon. Re-working of pages, adding/removing. Total renovation, just like me. Change and creativity must be embraced, encouraged
and lived; not always an easy thing to accomplish but worth the diligence and patience.
I am beginning to nuture and embrace and live
this new path I walk. I yearn for change and excitment, while maintaining serenity and sanity. Of course I can do it! I am
re-learning to have faith in myself, to fear NOTHING, to live with comapssion.
I actually think I'm a bit happy.
I like that.
Life & Passion
I've come to discover, quite surprisingly somehow, that when
you are living your life sometimes your passions may take a back seat.
Take for instance my writing. I want to write; I enjoy writing
and certainly enjoy my poetry. For some unknown reason I cannot seem to find the time to do that which I am passionate
about, and it's becoming increasingly frustrating.
Let's go back to the beginning a bit: I have recently re-joined
the living masses in full capacity(though some may wonder). This means working, commuting, shopping, being social, taking
care of family matters, appointment's, and trying to sleep.
At present the week flies by and I end up at the weekend with
seemingly nothing to do, yet filled with little life dramas that I become entangled in and then it's Monday again.
It's been a while for me, so tell me: is this what life is??
Is this the "thing" I was doing BJD and have been so desperately seeking AJD, the craving to once more be "normal", and just
mingle and become invisible among the crowd instead of the "crazy widow woman"?? I don't like it. Don't like it at all.
Hence the warning:
Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it all and
some you don't want.
Don't get me wrong. I am happy to be free of the claustrophobic
choke hold of major depression. Happy to be free of zombie inducing drugs, happy to feel alive and
not deadened emotionally. That was then, this is now. If the powers that be are kind, I'll not taste that bitter brew for
some time to come.
I want to go to the beach. I can't even get there without
a little drama involved.
Solutions to self:
Manage time better, say NO more often and stop feeling guilty
every time you do say it. You do have YOUR own life to live, and eventually "they" will get the message.
Follow your instincts-incredibly, more often than not-like
99.9%- your instinct is correct. That ties in with self preservation and sanity management.
Don't laugh, it's the truth, try it some time.
My passions are important to no one but myself. It's up to
me to follow them, nuture them, use them, get the most pleasure available out of them. Squeeze them dry and start all over
again. Damn, but that felt good to write and say!
Almost like a drop of sweet, thick honey on your tongue,
rolling and tasting, savoring, before swallowing; with the lingering taste and scent to enjoy until it slowly fades away.
THAT is passion!!
I have life. I have passion. Together they
become an orgasm of pure pleasure if I let it.
I think I actually feel better now.
Still June
I'm still here. Been having some trouble with my pc,
but hopefully this will be resolved soon.
I have been working in a new venue, which I am enjoying
immensely. I like meeting new people, learning new things. Life is so interesting!! And you find out it really is a small
world, after all.
My stress level has come down somewhat. For the first
time in what seems like forever, I feel free. There is a weight that has lifted off of my shoulders, and it almost makes me
giddy with the freedom.
I'll take a lot of time to enjoy this new feeling.
Now that the site has been refreshed on the surface, time for the inside.
Stay tuned. All is well.
May 24, 2008
Here I am. My computer is finally up and running again.
I've been here in the islands for almost two months, and I've been busy settling in and while I missed having it, I found
time to do other things..like read.
My concentration level has returned enough for me
to enjoy a good book again, what a pleasure!
I have many things to catch up on on here, updates,
necessary items. I am especially pleased to get on with my writing. Short entry this, but no worries; it's all good.
Till next go round. There are some things I need to
reflect upon, like the point of this website, but it will save until next time.
Great to be back.
© 2008/SQB
March 28, 2008
I find myself poised for yet another move.
In less than a week I'll be going back home, in
under a year. This trip that I embarked upon last June was supposed to be a fresh start, a new beginning.
It turned out instead to be a testing of the waters;
a trial on the mettle of my character. It turned out to be a lesson in life that I will never regret.
Was it that bad? No, it wasn't . Was it that hard?
Yes, it was. It was easy to slip back into the shoes of the profession that I love, and to be a productive member of
society; enabling people to do things for their health that they should be doing.
It was unsettling to be back in the space where
it used to be a "we", and now just a "me".
It was also comforting.
In these past months I have not written too much
on here, due to being busy with work and trying - struggling if you will - with my emotions, trying to find the sense
in all that has happened since my husband passed. It was much harder than I ever imagined to be back in the town of his death.
It was also comforting to find familiar faces with open arms welcoming me back. If anyone has read the past few entries the
struggle is evident. I have accomplished quite a bit, though. I have been able to face issues and take care of unfinished
business, now finished.
I have been able to see more clearly that life
is really shades of gray, instead of hard black and white.
While I am anxious still about my future, I know
that I have one. I have learned that I am allowed to make a mistake, as long as you learn from it and are able to keep moving
on. I have stumbled quite often on this road of discovery, but I amaze myself at times that I do keep getting up; I don't
always want to.
I am rambling as I try to put my thoughts down.
I don't know if anyone understands the confusion, yet the calmness, of this journey. I know there are other in my shoes with
delicate, subtle differences. The calmness comes in waves, as does the anxiety. The calmness, the moving on, comes only
with continued acceptance his death. I've said it before and will say it again: for me, I don't believe "time heals all wounds".
I believe that time allows you to accept, and then learn to live with the loss. It is a continuous process that allows you
to one day live your life with meaning again. I have to work through this. It's not something I push to the back of my mind
and just keep stepping-impossible!
Rambling....yes, I am. That's why I write. So,
I am moving on for several reasons, but I am proud of myself for even coming here and attempting this new life in an old place.
Catch you on the next go round.
© 3/2008 SQB
Not always on a Sunday
2008, January
Yes, it's a new year and I'm still here.
Wow, it's been a while since I've read, reflected and wrote. That is what happens when you are living your life.
A lot of changes abound yet again.
Thanksgiving was nice, spent it here in
Christmas was even better, spent it in
the islands with family and friends; a quick trip but very much worth it.
This journey of mine is so full of twists
and turns, I never know what's around the corner. I do know this: I'm on the move again.
I'm leaving this place. I'm going back
Many reasons for my decision. Many levels,
many layers. I have been a busy person these last 6 1/2 months. I have found parts of myself that has been missing for some
time. I have let go parts of myself that I don't need anymore. I have laughed, cried, ached, longed; been satisfied,
found closure, found openings.
I discovered that in order to live life
to the fullest, you have to experience all of these emotions and be willing to face the pain, as well as the joy.
Well, being here has allowed me to do
all of that plus more. I am not the same person who left here almost 4 years ago; nor am I the person who arrived here back
in June. I won't even be the same person I am now when I leave soon.
I embrace that.
It hasn't been easy, but it had to be
done. I'm smiling as I write these words because I know I have ACCOMPLISHED something major in my life.
I am looking foward with giddy anticipation
to my future, ready to get on with it. I will never allow myself to go too fast though. My experiences over the
last 5 years have taught me to savor the good moments; and to absorb the not so good ones; for in those moments
lay the details of life.
My life right now consists of trying to
empty the contents of a storage unit that contains physical memories of a former time. Everything has sentimental value attatched,
yet they are just "things".
Tears and smiles. Quiet moments and belly
A silent picture in my head as the years
unfold before me. How do I ever part with this, or that? Ruthlessness with grace, that's how. I did say it hasn't been easy,
and still isn't. It must be done in order to move on...and I'm moving on.
Semper Fidelis mixed with Aloha....that's
Always on a Sunday..
Uncanny how I always update on a Sunday
,when my mind has had time to roam.
November .
The fall has arrived, along with
a last minute hurricane for good measure. Hopefully this will be the last as Noel brought the deaths of so many in the islands.
I continue to make it through each day.
At times it is very good, upbeat, hopeful. At other times, wistful and longing; searching; feeling a weight on my heart. It
was really cold last night and also today. It's going to be a cold week. I found myself sitting in sunbeams outside on the
porch , absorbing like a lizard or iguana. I'm trying not to think that this is just the beginning of short days and long
nights; if I dwell on it my composure will slip.
I'm taking a short break and heading to
the islands for some sun and surf, and family. Spur of the moment, but well worth it.
I will take a moment to acknowledge the
passing of two of my former classmates. Both were still young, in their forties. It is another reminder of how fleeting life
is. A reminder to get on with my life, even if it means another complete change in one form or another. I'm allowed these
changes until I feel that I've "got it"-however temporary that may be.
Also a reminder to myself to grab joy
any way I can, in the smallest things.
To be content while knowing I'm still
moving on even if I don't see it.
To tell those I love, that I love them-it
makes a difference. To be tolerant, accepting; yet standing up for what I believe in. I only have today. If I wake up in the
morning then I only have that time, that day, to make it the very best I can, to my ability. Not an impossible goal, just
a concentrated effort.
And now I'm going to try and take advantage
of an extra hour of sleep and maybe I'll actually get some. *Smile*
Till the next go round...
© 2007/SQB
Wee hours of a Sunday morning
Almost 1 am.
I find it hard to sleep again, this is more
the case than not.
My only solace this time is I am still off the
rest of the day.
It's harder when I have to get up to work. But
yet sleep eludes me.
3 months..
It's now mid-September, and how am I doing?
My job is going fine. It is what I love to do
and enjoy doing. I do it well.
There are some dark clouds on the horizon, however.
I'm begining to feel the unrest. I'm begining to question, in earnest, the reasons I'm here.
I know I came back due to having an available
job. I know the money goes farther here than in the islands. But there is another reason.
I came here for closure. I came here to grasp
and absorb what had happened, the enormity of it. I came here to deal with reality, in a way I couldn't when I left.
I came here to try and make a new life for myself.
I came to bring it all to a head, on my terms.
The surroundings are familiar, the daily grind just as I left it. I have a couple of close friends here.
Starting over is hard. When you start with nothing,
you crawl your way up.
I thought I would have certain things by now,
but the reality is it's going to take much longer than I anticipated. Very much longer. Unless I win the lottery. Yeah,
that's it. The Lottery.
The days are getting shorter. The night air has
a slight nip in it tonight/this morning. The thought of the encroaching winter and long, dark nights sets me to an almost
panic. The almost-panic brought on by the thought of those long winter nights and dreary skies. The almost-panic brought on
by the thought of having to fight my depression through the winter. I don't say this lightly, I know what it did to me before.
Oh, for those of you who think I'm all better
now...wake up!
Better..yes, and no. Yes, I've made progress
from the deep dark center of the abyss. I have taken great strides that I don't give myself enough credit for. I have done
HUGE things in the past year...learned how to laugh again, live again, love again. This move was HUGE.
The "no" part comes into play with the "being
here". I feel myself being sucked back into the void, into the nothingness. I can feel how easy it would be to give into the
darkness. That creates the almost-panic within.
Anything but the darkness.
So now what? I don't know. I simply do not know.
Hey folks, this is the reality of me right
now. Take me or leave me.
This working things out in my mind and on paper
(well, virtual paper) is how I do it.
I haven't given up. Just one foot in front of
the other, moving on.
Another Sunday Closes
Sundays are family days.
They have always been family days.
My family is far away. Very far.
I guess I'll be fighting every Sunday
until one day I won't have to.
Fighting to be independant, to be able
to live life on my own, to be happy with myself, by myself. I thought I made the right choice by moving...so far its only
half right.
I have followed my instincts for so long
now..rarely has it led me down the wrong path; rarely, but sometimes. Is this one of those times? I don't know yet and may
not know for some time to come.
This journey of mine continues, I have
no choice but to move forward, however difficult. I'm not crazy, and I'm allowed to make mistakes. You fall, you get up and
keep walking. Life can be harsh and shadowed by gloom. Life can also be good, with lots of sunshine-it's this last part that
I keep striving for, even on grief-stricken Sundays.
The time BETWEEN is probably the longest of
time that I have ever seen stretched before me.
The months of July and August seem endless,
while blending together and then IS endless.
I wish I could say it wasn't bothering me,
but then I would be lying, to myself and those who read. This is about truth is it not? This is about the journey-good, bad,
indifferent-but most assuredly the journey. So if you who are reading this know anything about me, you'll know that this is
my time to sweat. Oh, I try not to. I try and just let each day unfold, which is what happens anyway. But in my mind it builds,
it grows huge beyond anything else, then passes either with tears, or quietly, or both.
Maybe one day, maybe one year, I won't be
like this. Maybe one year I might even forget--but I don't see that happening. Since I can't see the future, and I've been
proven wrong many times on what I think will happen, all I can do is live it.
Being here where it all came to pass is very
much starting to bother me. This will be the first time since leaving that I'll have to face it here.
Those should probably be in reverse order
yet either way it motivates.
All for now, tomorrow is another work day
and it's late.
July, 2007..still
The demons are coming, I can feel them.
Why so sudden, why now? Why must this happen?
Why can't I just be able to live my life the way
I want to?
Where I want to...when I want to.
I knew I would have to fight at some point, well
girlie, put your amor on now, cause it's here and
in your face. People are watching me. To see how I "cope" with life and being here. Screw them, walk in my shoes and feel
what I feel then tell me your plan.
Going to be a long summer.
July, 2007
So, here I am, at a borowed computer trying to
get thoughts together. I've been at my destination almost 3 weeks already. It's certainly been a whirlwind tour of the
familiar, and remembering. It's looking at old things through new eyes. Easy, yet not.
Surprisingly, I find myself homesick at times for
my island home. I know this is where I need to be right now, but deep inside I believe I know where I'll ultimitely end
up. Surprisingly...
Now that I'm faced with the reality of REALLY
getting a new start, it is a bit daunting. I forgot the things you have to do in order to get established-utilities, banking,
address changes-where's my mail???
Then there's the little item of renting. These
days you need a freaking fortune all with the 1st/last/and present deposits. References...what is that???
Oh, you used to live here, then moved..to the islands
you say? Why on earth did you leave to come back here?? Well, I've come up with the answer of : I like to
move about every 3 years or so. Right. Try again.
3 weeks already, and for the most part doing well,
going well.
I can do this. Really, I can.
And Still June-Father's Day
So now I begin anew, once more. Having made
this move and arriving safely, the time has come to be fully assertive and gain my goals.
I'm already impatient, yet I know things
will take some time to fall into place. The impatience is motivating, invigorating. The patience I need to use is healthy
and wise.
This is a surreal experience for me, being
here again. Familiar faces and places bring forth the popular cliche of:'been there, done that'.
But in reality this is a new me in an old
place. I'm not the same person who left here 3 years ago. A better person, a wiser person to be sure. It is strange to be
back in a place where I was part of a "we", an "us". Defined as part of a couple.
Now it's only me, one being. This is who
I am, this chapter is mine alone. I am curious to see how I am perceived, but not really worried about it. I am who I am,
they can take me or leave me. Not going to sweat the small stuff, I have bigger things to accomplish.
It may take me a bit longer to post my updates,
but keep checking, it will be here after brief intervals.
On that note, time to sign off and catch
some zz's.
© 2007/SQB
June, still..
And 4 days have turned into none. I leave
later this morning and should be sleeping. My journey turns down a new path today...wonder what's around the corner? Only
one way to find out, and here I go.....
Still June, 2007
Only 4 days left before I leave this island
I'm in that strange limbo land again; knowing
I'm leaving and have things to wrap up. Yet I am watching myself in slow motion, easing through the last days.
Lots of family activity going on and I'm
an active participant in the ebb and flow of life all around me.
I'm observing, retaining, searing to memory:
faces, words, expressions, actions...
to be pulled up when I need them most in
the coming days.
You do what you have to do to get through,
to survive, to move on.
So be it.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Well, see, I need to get royally pissed off more often!! Since I wrote about and told
that little devil to be gone, he's gone. Can you hear me roar??
I actually mailed some of my belongings yesterday. It brought everything to the forefront
and in my face. This is real, it's a happening thing. I feel some of the weight gone; the stress, really. I feel like I really
am moving again, and it feels so damned GOOD!! Moving on lots of levels(you know how i like my levels)
Control...I feel like I have a semblance of control over my life again. This is happening
because I am making it happen. I am stepping out and making my life go forward. Its exciting and exhilarating! I'm telling
you, it feels good to just feel good-inside and out!! Been a looong road, but I'm taking that "other" path now, let's see
whats around the corner; open door #1 if you please. It may not be the one for me...but what if it is? I'm going for it-all
I can do is close it, learn from it, and open door#2 after that.
I'm tired of being fearful. I'm ready to DO THINGS. So therefore I will.
That quote at the top of the page...I used it in my highschool yearbook, as if I knew
what it meant then. Believe me, I know what it means now.
Still Saturday, but night now.... Been adding some excerpts from my journal to this
site. I have to say 2 things: 1) I was in a very, very dark place not so long ago. 2) I will fight until I die to
never return there again.
Its very sobering to read what I wrote, some I can recall writing; and others I cannot,
just as well. Only by the grace of God am I still here to continue writing. Amen.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Its amazing how your mind can play games with you. Its amazing that we,
with all our infinite knowledge and modern technology, have to struggle to maintain control over our fears and demons which
are born in our minds and come to settle heavily on our shoulders.
Some of these fears are the result of real occurances-encounters/trauma/war/death.
Others are plain out fears of the unknown. That lack of control feeling, negativity...fear of fear itself. Despite what I've
written before, I find myself struggling with that unknown fear today. My little demon has perched itself on my shoulder and
whispers little NOTHINGS in my ear.
NOTHINGS: what's wrong with you? how DARE you think you can just
up and move back to where you were. you won't be able to do it, you know. you're going to fail. you'll get all upset again
and drop into deep depression.
My answer to this after being sucked into the vortex of fear and doubt:
F**K YOU!!
Get off my shoulder, get out of my head. I don't want you, I don't
need you.
I've worked too damn hard to get to this point and I'll be dammed
if I'm going to let some friggin little jumbie mess me up now.
I have sunshine, laughter, and most of all I have love which fuels this
heart that keeps this body alive. The Man Upstairs is in control.
So be it. Blue Moon Thursday..
May 29,2007
Yesterday was Memorial Day, I wrote a poem
to commemorate, enough said.
I am down to 2 weeks before departure, and
I find myself unusually calm. I was nervous and anxiety ridden a few days ago, "spazzing" is what I call it.
Today, however, the spazzing is nowhere to be found. I am not complaining, just a little suprised at how I handle myself sometimes.
Apparently I can do this, and do it well. I've entered the auto-pilot zone; this is the zone where I can accomplish anything
and worry about the fallout-if any-later down the road.
It is the handling of situations that need
to be taken care of NOW, so therefore one does it. It is the professional side of me, the years of handling nervous patients,
the caretaker in me. All have come to the forefront to handle the job of ME.
My interpretation on it anyway. It works.
Today....I had a sharp clarity observing
my island home. I noticed nature with a loving and appreciative eye. The emerald hills, fresh from nourishing rain. Clouds
of pale yellow butterflies everywhere; close by or far away they stood out against the green of the mountains. The Flamboyant
trees are starting to burst with flame orange flowers. In my yard nature's wild brush strokes serve up a delightful array
of colors. Pink frangipani, red and yellow hibiscus, fuchsia bougainvillea, yellow cedar trees. All stand out against every
shade and hue of green you can imagine, even down to young, lime-green iguanas. (who run with an amazing speed)
The tree whose name I remember but can't
spell that has tiny lavender/blue flowers at the very top; inviting honeybees and butterflies.
I thoroughly enjoyed this plethora of color
today. I felt a deep satisfaction that this island is my home. While running my errands, I was also once more aware of the
water. Ahhh, the water; beautiful, healing water. It soothes your soul just to look at it. A myriad of blue hues, inviting
you to step out of your car and jump right in. Yes, right there, off the waterfront apron. (I know people have done it!)
There were pelicans and laughing gulls diving
for the fish which were literally jumping out of the water at times. Did I mention that this is something you can see while
you drive along, if you only take the time to notice. We don't drive 55mph here; crusing speed of 15-20mph on the waterfront
by the Federal building if you're lucky.
I enjoyed my island today. I may be
leaving soon...for a while, but I'll always come back.
MAY 22, 2007
New computer arrived today.
Found out I could survive without one, but would rather have one, lol. So...lots happened, and is happening with me, but this
is a quick update, more to come very soon.
Ok...today is May 23, 2007
I had a marathon session with
my pc last night after not having one for so long. As a result, I didn't sleep well..and feel out of whack today. So be it.
Wow, so many things have happened...many of them small, yet big in result. I guess the most relevant of all right
now, but this is HUGE, is my impending move back to the states.
Yes, I have decided to leave my island and try to
start fresh once more...even if in an old stomping ground. What is life if not full of trial and error? What is life if not
about taking risks; stepping out on that limb with some kind of hope, faith and some measure of confidence in oneself?
feel renewed, restored, healed in so many ways. Family..friends...acquaintances, all have helped on their personal levels.
I am beyond grateful, at times I have no words to say thanks...yet I try. I don't believe I will be away from here as long
as I was before. I have a 5 year plan, but we know how life can be full of twists and turns and unexpected 2x4's upside your
head. One day at a time still for me but at least I CAN plan in my head and attempt the plan now-that's progress, that's healing!
So now I am packing boxes, going through papers, and general mayhem as I try to make my way out of here. Gotta get
a move on as I have my ticket and date. I am excited to move on..and I'm sad to leave those I love behind...isn't life grand??
I finally feel like Susan again...with a few glitches here and there, and a smile as big as the sun. My heart is open,
thank you..thank you...thank you!! ©2007/SQB
And still February, 2007
So another year younger and what have I learned??
Overall, life is good. If I take it one day
at a time still, it's managable.
Don't sweat the small stuff-really. Just not
worth it. Something I used to be really good at, and now I'm re-learning.
My poetry muse is returning..so very glad for
that. Not being able to write left a void. I may not ever be a "known" poet, but one must have some kind of inspiration in
order to write something worthwhile. I have new inspirations and a new outlook on life... welcome back, my muse.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself. An
old axim to be sure, but very real when facing that percieved fear. Mind over matter. Always. Nothing happens without risk,
taking that first step. Was it worth it? Oh yes; and will continue to be.
Part of my facing fears is coming off
of medications I don't need anymore. Been in a nice little safe cocoon I've lived in for almost 5 years now. Long enough.
To those that know and care about me, patience please. Physiological changes abound...patience, please. Thank you for your
continued encouragement, support and tough love. I'm almost there.
Back to the first question, what have I learned...I
am stronger than I ever thought possible. Confidence, faith, courage-all returning with lightening speed. My reason for being
on this planet is not yet done; so therefore I will do the best I can everyday for myself and those around me. For I may never
know the reason, nor the season; but a smile, a touch, a simple kind word may make all the difference in the world for someone.
It certainly has in my life, I'm just passing
it forward.
© 2007/SQB
February, 2007-still
Ok. So now my pc is acting up by freezing right in the middle of whatever. Yes, have
checked ALL and think it's the tower maybe overheating???
We'll see. Going to hit the floor with dustrag and soft brush in hand and clean the heck
out of it. My brother said something about an *air-intake* whachamacallit......right.
This comes at a time when I feel I need my pc very much...slight panic has passed, but
slight anxiety remains. Just started the next medication reduction and already my body is reacting. Mainly very tired and
some shakes. Going to be very optimistic though-I CAN DO THIS!!!!!
Oh yeah-happy hearts day yesterday. Bah humbug? Not really, had a great start to my day.
But!!! My b-day is rapidly approaching and I'm ready for that.
Don't ask and I won't tell.
Need to write a poem...been thinking about Iguanas and their tails for some reason. Got
whipped by an Iguana's tail when I was young, hurt like hell.
I learned my lesson to not poke at them with sticks right then and there.
Ok, all for now before my pc goes *poof*.
© 2007/SQB
February, 2007
Despite my little addition before, I am here
struggling with emotions...
This month can be another nemisis if I let
it. It can be a great month if I let it.
This month I will be 5 years older than my
husband was when he passed on.
Here I was merrily moving on with my daily
life and the thought hit HARD.
That means this year will eventually be 5 years
without him.
5 years.
Yeah, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, but
you see I was just hit upside the head with a 2x4...and that sobered me right up. No, I wasn't drunk, just content, which
is a rare occurance still.
I'm writing this to purge myself of the negative
thoughts trying to creep in.
I fight so damn hard to keep those at
bay; but that's ok, it's my fight.
This is also an "anniversary" month( I have
so many ). Supposed to be a good one, yet right now doesn't quite feel like that. Need to get a grip on myself, especially
with another med reduction about to start.
Life....can be hard and stressful, full of
trials. The key to life is taking those trials and turning them into lessons learned, with coping skills born of necessity.
Life...can be full of unexpected moments of
pure joy, however brief. You need to grab those moments and store them away. Then you can pull them out when you need them
most to get you through another rough spot.
I just
did that.
© 2007/SQB
Tiny Addition, January, 2007
Almost the end of the month. Lots of happenings going on around
these parts, both in general and personally.
Birthday celebrations, general business of the new year. All
good I guess. I have some major decisions to make(don't I always??)
My uh..social life seems to be on the upswing lately. Good??
Bad?? Mostly good I'll say. Just have to figure out how to handle it. How about saying I'm grateful to even have to worry
about a social life considering I haven't had a life for the past 4 years!
Main reason for this tiny addition...I'm feeling fabulously
fine. Really.
That is all.
© 2007/SQB
January, 2007
Happy New Year!
My positive outlook:
It's going to be a great year.
I'm going to move ever forward in this new life.
I'm excited over the possibilities.
I'm letting the Man Upstairs do the steering..I'm just along for
the ride.
My concerns:
Fighting my depression is still an ongoing thing.
Despite new optimism, lots of reservations, hesitation, a niggling
fear...trying to let the Man Upstairs deal with that.
My present:
Anxiety, joy, excitement, anticipatory fear...of what...the unseen
My solution:
Give faith a fighting chance.
Happy New Year!
© 2007/SQB
Still December, 2006
Is it possible to hate an insect?? I mean despise,
loathe, see-no-use-for-them-ever-on-the-planet kind of hate??
I hate mosquitos.
This is secondary only to my hatred of cockroaches
I spent time looking up the lifespan of a mosquito
last night.
No, I really did.
v v
(c) 2006/sqb
December, 2006..next day
So...today was a great day for me. The best I've
had in the last 3 weeks.
Somewhat tired, but basically no symptoms of anything.
Can we say grateful?? Can we say thank you God?? Yes, we can. Since I laid out my agnst yesterday, I thought it was
only fair to update this log of my thoughts and experiences. No matter what, the sun always shines on a new day, if even in
your heart.
December, 2006
This month started out on a flat note for me. Withdrawal from RX meds is NOT a pleasant thing.
While I needed this medication for the last few years, coming off of it requires stamina, information, doctor availability(even
at night), and a whole lotta faith and courage.
Withdrawal from anything is painful-both physically and mentally. Anyone who has had to do
it can testify. I have done this before, in major crisis mode, while having jumped into the abyss. This is not fun. It wasn't
fun when I didn't know what was happening; and it certainly isn't fun while I do know.
Why am I telling you all this? Well because you may need to know. Not for my sake, (though
it helps to write about my experiences) but for yourself, or others. It requires the sharing of the person's experiences
with family/friends. It requires that they understand explicitly what is happening, and what to do, who to call, if things
go wrong. It requires pretty much all of the person's time and energy to deal with this.
My journey so far:
Light headedness
Feeling very weak
Low blood sugar reactions at odd times(this has been especially un-nerving for me)
Get the drift?? There is more but I think you get the picture. Again, NOT fun!!
But...I shall persevere. If I do not need the meds, then why take them? Time to come off.
I remind you, all this is under a doctor's (2 actually) supervision-never, ever attempt without it.
So, now that I've written all this and it's out of my system, do I keep it, or delete it?
I'll think on it.
It has been almost a month now, about 3 weeks. I am hoping that the worst is almost over.
I am praying that the worst is almost over. I am trying to muster up the courage to continue to deal with it because it is
worth it.
Maybe I'll be able to enter the new year with a fresh outlook. This year has been an incredible
one for me so far. I have made such progress and stepped out on many things. It can only get better. It WILL only get better.
How's that for courage, faith and hope?
© 2006/SQB
November, 2006
Thanksgiving... I have a few things to say about that: Life itself-beautiful,
wonderful, ongoing-a gift.
Acceptance...very hard to come by and well earned.
Confronting fears, real or imagined, and coming out on top.
Appreciation...for family, friends, sunlight and fresh air. Blue,
soothing, comfortable water. green hills and valleys.
Faith...may I..may WE, never lose it. It goes with hope, and with
hope we come back to life.
Thank you, God.
© 11/22/2006 SQB
October, 2006
Skipped right over September, but August was so long it took
care of that. Yeah.
Took a trip, I did. Went back to NC for the first time since
leaving 2 1/2 years ago; guess what? I survived. I survived everything...EVERYTHING. I found out a few
quick, meaningful things about myself pretty much right upon landing:
a) I am alive. Yeah, I knew that, but really..I am alive.
b) I have survived(and it IS a survival) the journey of
grief and loss and come out on top. I haven't put on a tiarra and never will. We all remember Humpty Dumpty and Jack &
Jill? Yeah, it's always faster downhill.
c) I can experience true joy once more.
d) I can belly laugh-spontaneously.
e) My mind is quick and sharp, I have plans.
f) My heart is capable of love, on many levels.
g) I am happy with who I am.
h) I have true friends who love me as I love them.
i) I have a family who protects me, surrounds me, guides me...love...unconditional
j) I CAN stop crying.
k) I know how to breathe...very important, you know.
This list can go on, but no need to make readers suffer.
Suffice to say, things I have been unsure about, things I questioned,
things that have haunted me....have been put to rest with this trip. Basically I ditched the last of the baggage, baby. This
woman can do anything she puts her mind to. And I will.
So what about NC? The water was warm, the pier still
there. I felt his presence...I smiled. Memories surfaced, good ones, never a bad one. I was blessed indeed. My cat...soft,
light, calming...unconditional love....yes, blessed indeed.
The nights are getting longer now. Winter is coming, even here
in the islands. Lots of time for writing I think. Lots of time to go out and have some fun also. Yeah, this year has been
good to me. Next year can only be better.
(C) 10/10/06 SQB
Damn long month if you ask me. Unending. I'm ready for it to be
over. I made it through "the day". What a shock, yes?
I always make it through, just the damn anticipatory, nerve wracking
jitters and fear of percieved pain. I not only made it through the day, I made it with flying colors, give me a gold star
will you!
In case you're wondering, I have a heavy sarcastic thought pattern
tonight. Sometimes I can't stand myself when I'm like this. But what can ya do?
I went to the beach today. It was great. Sunny, windy, perfect
TS Ernesto is passing us by to the south as I write, bringing thunderstorms
and some wind with him. We just dodged another bullet with that one. Looks like he's making a beeline for Jamaica and then
the Gulf. Ya'll be prepared now.
It's been a rather quiet season so far. I sincerely hope it stays
that way, for otherwise people will suffer. Peak period is just coming up though.
More thunder is pealing outside, a little sinister reminder of
just how close TS "E" is.
So far, all is well with upcoming trip. Getting a bit more excited
in spite of myself. I take that as a very good sign.
Need to start spending more time on my poetry and my book. Taking
the observances from my mind and putting to paper. Oh yes, writing a book I am, didn't you know?
When it gets done is a whole different ballgame.
Ok, all for now. Let me see what other kinds of trouble I can get
myself into on this little space of mine.
Hmmm, back already. I am counting the days now. Why torture
myself? It's not torture by choice. Sure, I can think "positive"; I can think good memories. It doesn't take away from what's
approaching with infinite speed. Since I cannot run, cannot hide...let it come as fast as possible. Let it come and be done
There is someone else dear to me I am still mourning, for that period
was interrupted by the loss of my husband.
My uncle,(I had two) passed away 11 days before my husband
did. Unable to attend the funeral due to caring for my husband, I tried to keep a stiff upper lip. Very hard to do. There
was a plan, though. Hindsight is astutely clear.
If I had attended that funeral, I would have been away when
my husband passed 2 days later.
These are the thoughts that keep me awake at night when others
sleep soundly. How would I have lived with that guilt?? I wouldn't have.
I live right next door to that uncle's house now and I see
it every day. Most times it's just a house, but around this time of year it haunts me. My aunt having escaped to the mainland,
I'm left to watch-cement and wood. She goes away from her physical memories, as I am away from mine. But you cannot escape
your mind. At some point in time, it catches up to you. So let it come on and be over with.
Why am I writing this you ask?? Why are you reading it, I ask
There is a reason I have a picture of "The Ship", by Salvador
Dali up top. I understand it.
Do you?
August 2006
Alright, it's THE month. This month is my nemesis; my dragon
comes calling and cruising.
He isn't welcome by any means, but here anyway.
This month marks the 4 year anniversary. Why is it called an
"anniversary"? It's a date to remember, sure, but I'm not celebrating. I think they should have another name for it--like
"Death Day" or even better, "Rememberance Day". And on that day you can wear black or any other color you choose. You can
do anything you want, without explanation.
The trouble with Western society is that the majority of people
are afraid of the word "death". They don't want to think about it, hear it, see it. If you ask me, there's too much of it
in our everyday lives. Senseless murders over drugs, territory. A whole generation going (gone) down the tubes. I wonder what
the ratio of women to men in America is right now??
But I digress...
Back to me, cause it IS about me. I will get through this month.
I always have, and always will. It can never be as bad as it was. How's that for a positive statement?
But when the tears come...please respect them.
When I grow silent, withdrawn, please respect me. You see,
I will be once more mourning the loss of my husband. I may be silently remembering good times, even if tears fall. And
if society allows me only that one day out of every year that THEY "understand" my emotions, then let me drink it in; drink
until I'm drunk on emotions, feeling all to the fullest.
I will not fight it. My depression yes, that I will always
fight, for I have no desire to jump into the abyss again-ever.
But allow me my grief, it is my right and priveledge. He lived.
He mattered. I loved him.
That's all you need to know.
Still July, 2006
Thunder rumbling overhead; sharp, white forks stabbing at the
ground. There's a wave upon us this hurricane season. Has been a rather quiet one so far, but I believe that's about to change.
Just call it a gut feeling.
We've had waves pass us before, some wind, some rain, then
poof-gone. This one has a slight orginization to it, but supposed to pass within 24 hours. Last year this time we were having
quite the light show with blue lightening. That was a wonder to see with one's own eyes. That was also the ominous beginnings
of what would become Katrina passing through.
The Saharan Dust is keeping the storms from developing, apparently.
Pick your evil...weigh it...choose.
I am doing my womanly duty of peri-menapausal upheaval with
mood swings. I believe I am fighting no one but myself. For
lack of a better word, it sucks!
Listening to light jazz on the radio, soothes the savage beast
I hope it storms all night, with crashing thunder. I miss the
wild Carolina storms that march up this time of year. This here in the islands is just a precursor to what MAY come later
down the line. Going into the peak of the season come August/September.
Gonna stop writing now, in case the current goes out (that's
electricity to those non-islanders).
Mood: frustrated/ anxious....need go outside and watch nature's
light show.
JULY, 2006
Well, been a long time since I've written
in here. Putting together this site and making sure not to lose anything has kept me pretty busy. Along with my volunteering/what
I call work; a budding new social life-and massively trying to sleep well...I find myself tired.
My visits to the chiropractor coupled with therapuetic massages;
it gives me a different outlook on this life of mine. I need to really take care of myself in order to LIVE and ENJOY my life
for some time to come.
I am exploring a new genre of open-mindedness. I am trying to become
a more spiritual person, not necessarily merging with any denomination. Becoming one with HIM.
Because without HIM in my life, I have no life.
There are people who have come into my life these past 8 years or
so who brought lessons for me to learn, both positive and negative. It is to my advantage to be sharp and cautious
about whom is whom. My instinct has been pretty accurate about weeding out the negative, but sometimes I had to take the fall.
I chose the 8 year term because it all involves BJD, and AJD.
Rating: Overall I'm doing ok. J-dog is doing just fine. Rest of family
is fine.
Lost my last remaining Uncle in May. It was a lesson in family
support, togetherness and doing the right thing when it was time to do it. It was a study in grace and dignity, compared to the
utter chaos and surrounding hysteria of my hubby's death. It was an expected death, this...and my uncle landed gently, then
flew away.
My poetry has suffered the last few months. I don't know what that
means really. Has my muse retired? Did I ever have a muse? Will I ever be able to write anything besides poems of loss, grief
and yearning?
I will end this rambling now. Sometimes I just get too deep for my
own good. But once more...these thoughts must come out.
Heading to NC in a couple of months......
May God have mercy on me.
Amythyst is a pretty gemstone. It's deep purple with fractional
prisms of light flowing through it. It can be found in lighter lavender-like color, but I prefer the deep one. Like me. Deep.
Did I also mention I am under the sign of Aquarius? We Aquarians
are reknowned for thinking 50 years ahead of everyone else, you know. Funny how that doesn't help us to see into the immediate
future; imagine how much fun that could be. It could also be very grave, I don't think I want to literally see into the future.
I prefer to let each day unfold as it will while I jump on board for the ride, no matter how bumpy or smooth.
February is the month of LOVE. So they
say anyway. Well yes, there is Valentine's Day, named after Saint Valentine...I wonder what he would think of all this commercialism
going on? Disgust is what comes to mind first. Did you give your valentine roses?? They seem to be the flower of choice-I
prefer yellow-should you choose to send me any.
So another year older in body, but getting younger in mind. I love
my age-confident, happy, good self esteem. Yep, love my age.
Nope, not telling. If anything, I'm ready to really LIVE now. Ready,
ready, ready-will somebody please rescue me from myself?!?
Psychadelic colors swirl through my mind, just
call me Rainbow.
Major Meltdown on the 10th(worthy of Caps) yes indeedy!! But
that's alright...it was/would have been my 20th wedding anniversary after all-I was entitled. (yeah...that's it)
Working a little bit, getting out; smiling, laughing, being
semi productive. meeting people. P-doc would be proud-heh-sarcasm drips.
No longer in low profile mode, the fence has been breached.
I have been noticed by "classmates" of old. This just has to be good! Let's see where it takes me, I'm so very curious.
Taking control of my finances(this equates to major in-control
feeling) and pinching pennies, but splurging on ME when the rush hits. :)
I guess this is my blog(shudder) of sorts. Before I even knew
what a blog was...to me it's still random thoughts. And you(whomever YOU may be) can read and be happy you don't live in my
gray matter. Or do you?? Ahhh- that explains the voices...
Oh yes! How could I forget?? I am taking a creative writing
class-how very risque! You thought this was bad? Wait...
So once again, another year passes.
It's been an interesting one for sure, personally. It's been a
tragic one for the world as a whole. Besides the WAR....
the Tsunami, the cat 5 hurricanes, earthquakes. Kind of makes one
assess one's life and make peace with your Maker.
2005-a year of discovery of self. Of walking this journey and having
epiphany's about every 3 months. Lightening the load several times along the way. Really learning how to toss things; leave
baggage behind. Leave the past in the past.
A year of incredible acceptance of J's death. A certain peace that
settles within my heart about just "where" he is. Acceptance is a wonderful awakening, and a beautiful gift.
18 years is a very long time to be together. I will feel deep heartache
as the time draws near to what would have been our 20th year. To ache is to have loved, and loved deeply.
August 2005
It's been a busy summer so far. Lot's of family and friends not seen
for many a year have been popping in and out. Really nice to get to see and talk to them, some I've met just for the very
first time, like spouses, children. Matching up who belongs with who, etc.
July was especially hectic with visitors. One of my close friends visited
me, her first time on island too. We had a blast! At least she didn't dive for cover like my other friend did last summer,
while I drove on the left side of the road. That was funny. My brother even made it in for a surprise visit for a couple of
weeks, that was icing on the cake!
I have experienced a bit of anticlimatic depression, but it will pass.
Very hard time of year too.
JUNE, 2005
Happy Father's Day to my Dad, my husband, and all the other
dad's and Grandfathers that I've known and still do know.
May you all have a wonderful day, AND rest in peace, on so
many levels.
MAY, 2005
Alright. So now it's the month of May...and what have
I done? Hmm?
I have started attending a program at my local church, to
learn about Christianity, and to measure up my faith against...what??
I have tried just about everything else to gain some understanding
on why I am "STUCK!" in this whirlpool of grief and going in circles. I now turn to the Man Upstairs, in earnest, to find
solace, light, truth, and understanding.
It has helped-surprise!! I think I must be the only one who
was. It has helped me to mentally let go of a lot of baggage I was carrying around. That in turn has freed some parts of my
mind...to do what??
Well, I've decided I am going back to school. I know I said
that last month, but I feel very strongly about it now. I know what I want to be when I grow up...at least a part of
me does, and so I will pursue it. It won't be easy, but what is? It will take some time, but doesn't everything? Will it be
worth it? YES!!
All on that subject for now.
APRIL, 2005
For what it's worth, it's now the month of April. A lot
has happened internally since the new year started. A lot of worry, a lot of anxiety, a damn lot of thinking. Still, I find
myself not really anywhere. Not much has changed on the outside. I am still moving steadily, but in circles.
I am now trying to grab hold of my life with new reins,
a more determined attitude...and see where it leads.
cause anywhere, is better than nowhere.
New Year's Day Thoughts
And so we arrive at a new year with a turn
of the clock's hands. Did anything change? Did I breathe any different?
No, things were the same, I kept breathing right along.
Mentally my mind registered the change, new hope rose up
and took notice.
Small goals...
Continue to try and work...at work, my writing, my poetry.
Save money for future..
Future what?
Anything future.
on Hair??
Who would have thunk it??
To go to the hair salon and
then to get a
"lecture" on my hair's upkeep...or
the lack of it rather!
After the intial eye blinking
reaction to her, I developed a case of the giggles.
I have never experienced
that before..and she was very serious, you know.
Eh, it's alright...I'll try
harder I said.
Apparently It's time I started
acting my very mature age of 29 and start taming the wild curls known as my hair.
When this wonderful session
was through, and I looked decent enough to go out into public once more, I put on a touch of lipstick I found in my bag.
The one lady turned and said:"Life!
You look alive now!" Well! I have never!!
Did I look that bad before???
And if so, why didn't anyone tell me?? Probably cause I wouldn't have listened anyway.
So, now that I look "polished",
any takers.....:-)
Veteran's Day
Yesterday was Veteran's Day. Americans honor those who have served,
those serving, and those who have marched into the mist. It was also the first time in many years that I haven't worn my honorable
discharge pin from the Navy. I guess that would be because I am not working at present.
It was also the first time in many years that I didn't have Old
Glory flying out front, snapping in the wind. I found it very strange indeed. This is because I am no longer in my house,
but my parents. I found that I missed it profoundly. This ritual of showing my pride in my country, and more importantly now,
a way to honor my husband. It left me feeling bereft, empty...and I didn't like it.
When this nation was attacked on 9/11, I went home for lunch and
put up my flag. I never took it down until it was tattered, and needed replacing; which I did, and kept right on flying it.
It went to half-mast when my husband died for a long while, then back upright. When I moved out of my house it was still flying
I can only hope that one of my neighbors took it down and is now
using it.
Since serving as I did in the Navy, and being married to a Marine,
pride and honor ranked high in our home. For me it still does, and always will. I am proud to be an American, to be free;
to know the real worth of that freedom.
My mission...to find a small flagpole, a flag and start my ritual
again. There is just a rightness to it.
Semper Fi....and God Bless America.
Storm Front
Sometimes a storm is a good thing. It causes upheaval and blow in
the winds of change.
It wipes out old baggage and creates room
for new things.
This is how I view my world at the moment.
I have had not just a storm, but a major hurricane,with tornados.
yes, that major of
a storm is exactly how it felt.
And, yes there was catostrophic damage as
a result. But, the cleanup has been going on
for awhile now, and some progress being seen.
Rebuilding is a slow, sometimes tedious job; but
rebuild I must.
There will be other storms, there always are.
I am ready, my essentials are intact.....
Introspective Thoughts
I like to think. I like to mull things over in my mind, slowly
rolling them over until I can see all points. Trouble is, you can only do it so long and it starts to come back at you.
The very thing you are trying to understand gets lost inside
your head because you've tried so many angles.
This was a hard lesson for me to learn...to think, process,
and move on. I think I am finally beginning to see how it works.
Like this.
Settling in like an old house
Been a couple of months now and I finally feel things settling
in. I had to get past the business of "the move"; then past the business of "the set-up" and here I am.
Today I caused myself to cry due to trying
to clean up papers and go through pictures.
I'm alright now, but had to just let it flow, you know? Though
it hit me unexpectedly. (it likes to do that)
I now have some near and dear pictures stuck up on my mirror
like tropgies. Mission for the day accomplished even if it took all day.
New stuff: health care being taken care of.
Son has job( always good)
Find that I talk to myself a lot more lately, but am also answering
right back in my mind. It helps me to rationalize things and continue to move forward.
That IS the final destination...movement
to the future.
Ghosts. (?)
Ghosts of the past. Just wrote a poem about that. I didn't
know how real the ghost would become though! When the past comes back to "haunt" you...is it welcome or not. I would imagine
it could go either way depending on the 'ghost'. I would have to say that this ghost didn't give me time to think about it..it
was a sneak attack, which left me dazed. (effective, even if not intended)
This particular ghost goes way back. So I believe I am intrigued
somewhat. I've shaken a few cobwebs away and can see in front of me now. Have I, er, encouraged(?) this ghost to 'haunt'?
Maybe, maybe not. We'll see...as long as this ghost knows I have haunting capabilities also..
Have you ever wondered about things that
happen which have no explanation?
Did you think yourself crazy, or someone else crazy when they
mentioned it?
I am here to tell you it is most definitely NOT crazy!!
Always believed in an afterlife. Believed that our loved ones
were around us. Never REALLY thought about it though....get my drift?
Until my husband passed, I never really gave it much thought.
Then I started looking for him. In plants, butterflies, the shower. If you just wish hard enough, you know?
But no, doesn't happen like that. It happens when you least
expect it to happen. It happens to me when I am still, in body, mind and spirit. It happens when I am so troubled and trying
to find some measure of peace for the moment. When anything else ceases to be important except getting through the next minute.
Then I am given a gift. There is no other way to describe it, it is a very precious gift.
I see him, or I hear him, or in some tangible way, he "touches"
me. I smell him. I have never been afraid because I instantly know what is happening. I have never questioned it.
Instead, I look forward to it. It leaves me in wonderment of
the universe and God. It ALWAYS brings me peace.
And that is all I ask for...a little peace to get through the
next minute, hour, day.
Is there someone you are missing that has passed on? Open your
mind and see the possibilities. They are all around you.
So, I go to the good Dr. Couch today and
got a well deserved lecture. I think.
I have been ambivilant about this move of mine though I know
it's something that has to be done, period.
I am so ambivilent that empty boxes sit in my living room floor,
while giant POD sits empty in my front yard. :(
He has lit a fire under me...but I am still hesitant. I must
finish this transition so I can move forward, but I am throwing silent tantrums and rebelling. Against what you ask?
Well, I don't really know. The thought of moving I guess. There are things in motion that need to be finished and it's high
time I get on with it.
So, that being said...it's the final night of FRIENDS, after
ten years. I'm going to watch it, cause I want to. Then I'll watch ER, season finale. Then tomorrow, go for it.
Yeah, that's it. Right.
Let me just remind you...these are random thoughts...you are
inside my head while reading this. Aren't you glad you're not me?
Saying Goodbye
The furious pace continues today. Boxes being packed, sounds
of ripping tape, bubble wrap.
Sight of boxes piled on a moving dolly; and I realize: this
is real; this is really happening; I am moving out of my home.
I feel like I'm standing outside myself looking at all the
But it's a new beginning, right? New start. Yet I am grieving
for what is lost, for what was.
The unanswerable question of WHY is back.
Since the beginning of creation this has been the way of it.
A loss, bereavement, move forward. Somehow it happens, and you do it.
Then you look back and ask how. It is a testament to the very
core of being human, the ability of rational thought and survival.
the last chapter is almost done in this book.
Was a very good book, lots of mystery and challenges; joy and
triumphs. We grew together for 18 years, he and I. Not without pitfalls but still a good read.
Now I am already searching for another good book to read. curiosity
has the best of me now and I look ahead in anticipation.
I'm sure I'll say goodbye many more times to come, but this
was the ultimate test of stamina I think....and I passed.
Well, well well.
Today is the beginning of the end of this great big book
called: My Former Life. From tomorrow on, I have no vehicles; not too bad except you need a car to get anything done around
these parts. Time for neighbors to step up and pitch in. That call today brought it all front and center for me. It's going
to happen, no turning back .
So be it.
After an intial spazz-fest, in which I decided
spazzing doesn't get anything done, I took my personal plates off the vehicles. Round 1.
I have to go to the store and get some food for the next
couple of days and that will be that. This page isn't supposed to be a journal...just random thoughts....so my thoughts
are random. hehe All for now, most definitely to be continued.
We all do it, transition from one place to another. One job
to another, one relationship to another.Then there are the major physical
transitions. Like moving from one state to another, one country
to another, and so on.
It could be a happy or sad one. But we all feel the same
initially: fear, lost, in limbo.
Looking for the "mine" and "my stuff" to make it all seem right
So, for me, I am in the middle of a huge, overwhelming, help
me I'm drowning here...TRANSITION. At my destination, but not settled as yet-internally-the limbo part-thingy.
Still with me? Good.
When you are suddenly(thanks to technology and sober pilots)
in a matter of hours, transported from one place of stress to another, the stress components shift dramatically. The one you
left now takes a back seat, and you find yourself in the new component. What to do?
Well, you stress with it. Just in a different way. Transitions
suck!! Major emotional upset here. Yeah, I know it's all about me, but like I stated above...these thoughts have to come out!
So me, myself, and my stress are gonna have a serious talk here soon. Cause things just have to start acting right, its time,
OK, that's all for now folks.Hey, if I didn't have you to
bounce all this off of do you know what could happen?? SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION! or something of the sort.
Till next time...stay iree, bra!!(Rastafarian talk for stay
cool, stay up, stay kind, brother) hehehe...sorry, had to just do it
Blue Moon
And just what is that anyway, a "blue moon"??
'Once in a blue moon'=once in a while..right?
I mean, the moon doesn't change from white/grey/silver suddenly
to the color blue.
Least not to these old eyes.
No, it simply means that there are two full moon cycles within
one month's time. A rare event. Glad to see it. means times may be-a-changing.
So, further along in the month now for me. A friend is visiting
and has been able to keep me occupied. But I am dog-tired. Been having some great beach weather though.
I think...mind you now...I THINK I am settling in better these
days. I've figured out that if I can get into a routine, whatever kind, it helps to soothe my ruffled feathers. So, will try
to find one and stick to it for more than a week at a time. Yes. It is that hard.
Stress levels are down some.
Seems that I will manage to survive wether I want to or not, it
is a built in fail-safe.
So, that means you guys will just have to put up with more of my
ramblings. I share them willingly.
All for now. Time for bed and sweet dreams. Then beach tomorrow...yes,
I'll swim for you too. {smile}
Open Season For Hurricanes
As the Carolina's, mainly North Carolina, gets battered by Hurricane
Alex, I find it very hard to not think of "my house". Of course it no longer belongs to me, but I am still protective of it.I
see it in my mind's eye and find myself wondering if anyone has done this, or that, to protect it.
Last year about this time I had come home to pass the first anniversary
with my family. My friends all pitched in and took precautions to protect my house and belongings. Now, it is really strange
trying NOT to worry about it.
Here in the islands my father is scurrying around checking and
double checking due to an approaching storm. I am caught up in his angst.
You can only do what is sensible and logical to prepare. Then you
wait..and if so inclined, pray. My "POD" storage seems safe to my mind in NC. My friends? They will do what is necessary for
their own safety. Here, well, I have never been through a hurricane here in the islands. Growing up I always thought I had,
but they were more mild tropical storms or waves, lows/depressions. My son asked me: where do the people go when a hurricane
comes? I stared at him like an alien and said in the closet, with a mattress over you. He stared back.
8/03/04 |