it was when i
fell into the chasm that was you i came to know
the meaning of being consumed by passion, love, life long
may you fan the flame of my heart ©2008/sqb

when i loved you
it wasn't a planned thing this feeling i had
just one of those special flings i told myself
yet your eyes set my soul
on fire
your touch
coupled with voice, spawned spontaneous combustion within my heart
now my lips curve up
tis a casual thing, this but i laugh at myself for
it wasn't when i loved you
more that i love you still

The Chestnut Stallion
There was a living, breathing entity beneath
me. I was supposedly in control, but reality was he had total control...
Seen from afar, he was magnificent to behold.
Head held high and proud, a commanding presence surrounded him. I stole glances, telling myself I was studying him.
I yearned to touch him, stroke him, ride him. I drove by the pasture one day and there he was by the fence.
I walked over and looked into his eyes. I was drowning in twin pools of intense intelligence. Unable to help
myself, I reached out my hand to rub his noble nose. He whinnied softly and didn't pull back.
I was instantly enamoured with this beast. I also
knew I would find a way to steal a ride sometime. When one wants something
bad enough, one finds a way to get it done. I had
to have him, claim him, make him mine. We would ride like the wind.
Happenstance is a wonderful thing. A willing rider
and a stallion sensing freedom. Grabbing the mane I climbed on bareback, feeling the power of rippling muscles between
my legs. I relaxed into the rhythm of his wide open gallop, molded as one.
Beautiful and exhilarating, wild and free, I rode
this stallion as much as he rode me. It was all I could do to hold on as the majestic animal flew into the night. This
would not be our last midnight ride, I knew. My chestnut stallion had turned the tables and claimed me.
© 2007/SQB
the voice came through the phone
all lazy and deep from sleep
wrapping a
cocoon around me in
the car as rain pattered
sliding down the windshield
while i slowly slipped into your
resonating words on this gray
misty morning parked on the
water's edge
the storm intensifying later
fueling passion laced with
dance and laughter
frozen forever in memory as
serenity settles
my heart fills with the joy
of a
gently whistled tune which
brings with
it a glimpse of all
you could offer yet a void
having missed something
My Dear Friends
Seems like just yesterday we were children
playing in the park.
Day in and day out; together, apart, yet
always within sight.
Scattered and blown about on the wind,
we became parents, workers, volunteers.
Trials and tribulations of life molding
and shaping the adults we've become.
Some of us have come full circle;
the past in order to keep moving forward.
We are wiser, and willing to pass that
knowledge foward.
Did I tell you how glad I am to see you?
Did I tell you that the years only make
your eyes twinkle more?
That your smiles brings great comfort.
And did I take the time to say I love you?
© 2007/SQB
He sat up on the mountain ledge watching the sun set in a firestorm of tangerine and
red.His throat vibrated with humming as the last of the rays faded.
He rose up to his full height, six feet
plus two, and began to sing his evening song. The notes echoed off the canyon walls, then wafted down to the
Her day done, she sat beneath her favorite birch tree by the river. The sky now soft orange- red,
laced with lavender. A light breeze blew down from the mountain, and she waited.
The sound washed over her, permeating
her soul, soothing. This warrior she had once glimsped from afar; that this mellifluous voice could come out
of one such as he!
She didn't know this nightly ritual of chanson, begun only a month ago, was the very result
of him spying her. The evocation brought forth worthy of her beauty and light. (c) 2006/sqb
Short & Sweet-But True
Men are about bravado being
studly and all that.
Even when together their conversations are about
who can best the other- tangible
Women have girlfriends, need I say more?
© 2005 Susan Britton
it was sunning itself atop
the green wall, transparent skin mottling to change and blend
i stood where i was admiring the spiny
back, hooded eyes, foot long tail and thin ruby lips
arrogantly human i decided to adopt and name
him on the spot but he was having none of it
it raised to all fours spikes challenging, i dared to
blink and the magnificent creature was gone
©2006/Susan Britton
Secret Pleasure
He came highly recommended,
magic hands, I was told. I quietly disrobed and lay on the table face down, waiting.
"Why are you shaking?",
he asked. "It feels so good", I replied in complete innocence; his oiled hands massaging my back with expertise.
Liquid fire coursed through me as his hands ran over my back again and again. I damn near vibrated off the
table in pure physical pleasure.
As I dressed I realized that one would never be enough. I had just become
a massage...addict-wanton. Yes, next week, same time, please. © 2006, Susan Britton
Cheek To Cheek
In the hotel we danced to the
band's rendition of Lady in Red-but I wasn't wearing.. red.
We met an old, sweet couple from New Zealand.
His name I don't recall, she had a cane. Her name too, was Sue.
Odd memories I have of that night and
the old couple when I hear that song; they bought our son a coke.
Another night years earlier, we danced
cheek to cheek. Marine home from deployment, I in silk and lace. Red, of course. 2006/SB