
So we start over again,
understanding for maybe
the first time ever, the
meaning of the words
soul mate.

Yes we have loved, yes
we have lost, in different
and subtle ways, yet
the understanding rings
true and clear.

For a heart will find its
way home, where it can
beat loud and fierce,
rhythmic and steady,
then settle softly...

Into the beat of its
own true love, reflected
shining, laughing,
steady and tender,
skipping a beat in wonder...

at the beauty of it all...


A Different Moon
a different moon
a different place
new memories
a new face...
life, only a heartbeat strong
illusions wash away
in the moonlight
reality sweeps in
like a breath of fresh air
love, on an intake of breath
like a night blooming jasmine
i open myself up to you
the strength of my vine
steady under your perusal
laughter, a burst of joy
sounds of night birds
the smell of the sea
under the moonbeams
you and me...

Full Circle
I find myself once more
at a new threshold in my
life. How many times have
I been here before?
Each time I stood with some
trepidation, some excitement.
Some boldness crept into my
heart and I stepped out.
Thirty years later I find myself
on the same doorstep. Wiser,
experienced in life, more observant.
Rose-colored glasses no more.
What I do have is freedom.
A freedom earned with sweat and tears.
With mental anguish and a broken heart,
I am a survivor.
A very fresh and eager survivor.
I want to live, I want to laugh, and
I want to love.  I vow to myself
I will experience all of them.
It's time to step out, take the risk.
If I don't  I'll never know the answer
to what if..
I'm willing and able.
  © 2007/SQB


It was there, just over the hill..
I turned the corner and crested
the rise. The vista took my breath
away. Royal blue water surrounded
by emerald green forest.
Following the sandy path led me
to the reef-encrusted beach of a
small bay; the roar of the breaking
waves familiar and welcome.
It was there, just over the hill..
I saw you sitting under a shade tree.
You smiled, your eyes daring me
to come closer. I did of course, you
knew I would.
We spoke in soft tones despite the
sound of the incoming tide.  I  learned
a lot today; nature having that special
way of opening mind, body and spirit.
It was there, just over the hill..
 © 2007/SQB


Dancing with Moonbeams
...Moondance was our song..
I hear Van Morrison crooning
his wonderful lyrics and I see
you and I, dancing on the
rooftop lanai under a full moon.

...on a magic night...

Were we ever that young, that
happy? You proposed to me
on that night and I laughed at
you. You laughed back; silly us.

...and the leaves on the trees are falling...

When I realized you were serious
I laughed again, nervous, and I
experienced an out of body feeling.
Think mortals refer to this as floating.

...can i just have one more moondance with love...

Every month I wait patiently for the waxing
moon to permeate with light. I accept the
ghostly hand of a moonbeam and we dance
as we once did, under a glitterball of stars.

© 2005 Susan Britton


acceptance is a slow thing
forever is a long time..

you'll always be the first
of everything that ever mattered
to me in a companion, partner,husband

acceptance is a slow thing
forever is a long time..

as life goes on, i place you in
a locked section of my heart
to be opened when i need you most

acceptance is a slow thing
forever is a long time..

i'm living for me now
i must laugh, i must love
i've stopped dying for you

acceptance is a slow thing
forever is a long time..

understand then as i gently,
reluctantly, let you go my love,
with the softest caress of a sigh

acceptance is slow
forever, a very long time..
© 2006/SQB


Mind Meld

You said you had to leave for
awhile,something about needing
your own space and all that.
I was cool, hip to that jive,
I'll see you when you get back.

Hey man! So good to see you!
It's been at least a month or
so. Come in, sit down, tell me
where you've been-but first,
I have something to ask you...

You smiled your wonderful smile
and started talking about the
exploration of your mind. About
the psychedelic music and the
colors in your head.

Man, you're trippin'! I laughed,
as you kept right on telling your
story. Finally I stopped you and
asked, but did you miss me while
you were gone....

You leaned over, kissed my lips,
and walked to the back door. In
disbelief I watched you, eyes open
wide and asked, you're leaving?
You're just going again??

With your hand still on the doorknob
you turned to look at me. This trip
ain't over you said-then flashed that
wonderful smile of yours and asked,
wanna come for the ride?
 © 8/ 2005 SB

Smiling at You
The photo sits inside of a
small seashell encrusted frame,
a left over memento from a
cousin's wedding.

A printed out black and white shot
from the computer, a token to make
this relationship seem closer than
it was, than it ever would be. 

Doesn't he look fine! The dark
wavy hair touched with grey. The
dashing beard and devil-may-care
glint in his eyes.

She sighs with the effort of looking at him,
and for him. She should have known better
than to expect more...but, hadn't it been
   © 7/11/05 sqb

 Fledgling Flight of My Soul
I've been trying to break free of this nest
I'm in. It's a small, comfortable cocoon
laced with misery. I found myself quite
discontented and morose.

My soul had wings, I knew. I beat them
about, making lots of noise; creating mini
dust storms. All about me life passing by in
cadence to some unheard drumbeat.

I remained as before, beating wings, staying
put. Last night under a full moon I saw my plight.
Tore away one side of that nest; shrugged off
the weight of the past, and slept.

The light of the coming dawn wakes me. I stretch
my wings and my soul flies free. The drum is loud
now as I soar higher and higher. I sing out in joy,
for it's my beating heart I hear.
  © 4/25/05 sqb 

 Warm Wine and the Candle
 The tallow drips onto the lace
tablecloth and cools instantly.
She watches over the rim of
the wineglass, takes another sip.

She's been stood up. For the first
time in her life, she's been stood up.
He said 8 pm sharp, right? Yes,
quite sure of it. Another sip.

The lamb has gone cold, the mint
sauce looks alien green.The asparagus
a big lump in Hollandaise covering.
Did he like lamb?

The Merlot is room temperature, as it
should be. Full-bodied with a hint of
fruit, rolls across her tongue as she sips.
It leaves a trail of fiery warmth in it's wake.

The candle burns bright and low, reflected
in warm brown eyes. The full lips sip again,
tasting the fruity fire; she wonders what
cooling wax would feel like on her body.
  © 3/20/05 sqb 

 Through My Open Window...
 The wind chimes sing their melodious tunes
so soothing to my psyche.
The southerly breezes of a Sunday afternoon
blow in gently, cooling my warm body.

Tree leaves rustle with involuntary motion,
causing spiders in their webs to sway and
little caterpillars to cling. The song of the canary
on the wire, so thrilling to hear, after all these years.

My eyes see curtains blowing in the breeze,
somehow very comforting, a sense of Home.
The dappled sunlight on the floor brings to
my face this secret grin, and even I can't explain.

And I remember yesterday; floating unafraid on long
Atlantic swells coming into the bay, hearing the roar
as they broke frothy and big onshore.
The green of the hills reflected in the brilliant
prisms that make me squint in the sun.

Through my open window I hear the wind chimes,
feel the wind, and my eyes reflect the sea.
I am at peace I think, what a glorious place to be.
  © 11/07/04 sqb 

Mountains 5

Fire and Ice
The Fire Maiden awakens
after sleeping for many years
She simmers and stretches
her yawn causing rumbles of fear
Pele, goddess of fire,
announces her arrival
with showers of lava-
don't raise her ire
Rivulets of firewater
encroaching on man
She is shimmering and sineuous
Mortals gaze, question her plan
For eighteen years now
she has reclaimed what is hers
Slowly but surely, nature's reverse
  © 2004/sqb

The Way Home
The dappled sunlight shines through
the deep forest of life,
lights the way.
The path is long and winding,
but clear and smooth.
One can see the tiny flecks of color
reaching upwards for warmth.
Wasn't always so smooth, this path.
Filled with the bumps of life, craters
and mud puddles of pain.
Like the animals, flower and fauna,
living one day at a time.
We learn to step carefully, reach towards the best places, the light.
We come full circle, taking time
to look back and see whence we came.
Never to repeat some mistakes lest
we be taken down hard,
maybe even snuffed out.
We look forward now to the end.
The worn but smooth walk
leading up to the doorway of ease.
We notice now the colors that bloom,
the hush of the forest, the soft breeze
as it caresses the cheek.
Memories of times past flit like the butterfly
through our minds, brings a smile.
Just a little more to go.
Look, the lavender wisteria; the
tiny impatients with their red.
Look further, there it is.
The door covered with the ivy
of experience, beckons you.
There, you touch the door-
You sigh, feel once more
the breeze's caress,
you enter, with a farewell smile.
  © 2004/sqb


Memories Forever
Haleiwa Evening (Tabora)

 I Saw Your Face Last Night( and I cried)
You are foremost in my mind
these days. Everyday, all day.
I don't know how to not
think of you.

I was granted a special gift,
I dreamt of you last night.
It is a rare occurrence that
I cherish. I saw your face
last night, and I cried.

I've been smelling your cologne
around me lately. Making your
presence known as the time
draws near. I turn to look but
you're not there.

But I saw your face last night,
and I cried.

I put my palm to your cheek,
just there, and felt your warmth.
You covered my hand with yours,
again, I felt your warmth.

I dreamt of you last night, and
I smiled.

I don't know what we said, or if we said,
anything. All I saw was your face. A
touch was all I desired. You turned to
walk away and I whispered a scream:
'please, stay!'

You looked back at me and smiled,
somehow I felt your warmth, as I
watched you and cried.

These moments with you, cherished
and private; when you turn to go
I follow, but I am not allowed,
for it is not yet my time.

I watch you walk away, into the night,
and the light. Tears fall freely, my sobs
wake me up. See, I dreamt of you last
night, and I saw your face last night,
and I cried.
  © 8/11/04 sqb 

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